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Tulip Farm Table Cape Wynyard Tasmania c1990.
The Turner Family
Turpentine Bottle
Turriff Lodge and surroundings, aerial view.
Turriff Lodge, front gate entrance.
Turriff Lodge, front of cottage.
Turriff Lodge, front of cottage (1920's)
Turriff Lodge, front of cottage and verandah.
Turriff Lodge grounds showing the 'Jug' in background with young Margaret Rollins in foreground (1922).
Turriff Lodge hop field.
Turriff Lodge hop kilns.
Turriff Lodge, inside driveway access on north side of cottage.
Turriff Lodge kiln, apple shed and Dutch Barn (1920's)
Turriff lodge, Margaret Rollins as a baby.
Turriff Lodge, north side of cottage (1920's).
Turriff Lodge, view of homestead and hop field.
Tussock Cutting Sickle
Twelve women at the laying the foundation stone of the CWA rest room Smithton, Tasmania in 1951
Twin Air Tank Harness
Twin Bulbed Electric Heater
Twin daughters Parsons
Twisted Melaleuca
two Argyll soap dishes
Two Door Whatnot
Two Double Headed Axes
Two galvanised biscuit tins
Two girls playing at Balfour
Two glass base lamps
Two Hessian Aprons
Two Masted Vessel (2)
Two men and two ladies in the hayfield on Robbins Island in 1905
Two men at the Duck River Co-op Butter & Bacon Factory at Smithton, Tasmania in 1949
Two men one on a horse at the top of King Street, Smithton, Tasmania
Two men walking along bush track on the west coast, Tasmania
Two metal food covers and one dipper
Two of the 'Mosquito fleet' berthed at the Smithton Wharf, Smithton, Tasmania in 1936
Two old trucks at the construction site during the road building on the West Coast of Tasmania
Two pairs plum velvet curtains
Two Paling Axes
Two penny-farthing riders in grounds of St. Andrew's Uniting Church.
Two Queen Elizabeth II Souvenir Coronation Mugs
Two Riding crops, 1 telescope holder
Two stoneware drink containers in cane baskets
Two, three horse teams cutting and gathering cereal crop sheafs.
A Two Tiered Blackwood Traymobile
Two Tiered Occasional Table
Two Views from Hastings
Two wash basins
Two whale bone candle holders