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Title index: F
'F' Flag
F Roberts, Mt Direction.
F W Whitton
Face Powder
Facit Calculator
The factory staff at the Duck River Co-op Butter & Bacon Factory at Smithton, Tasmania in 1938
Fair lead
Fairy Rock
Fallen Soldiers Monument
Falls of Halladale (2)
Falmouth Cemetery, New St, Falmouth
Family Devotions
Family digging potatoes at Montagu, Tasmania
Family group at Balfour, Tasmania
Family group at leisure in bush.
Family group at William and Jane Poke's Diamond wedding celebrations
Family Group Record of James Bone(s) and Maryann Cowen
The Family of Matthew Fitzpatrick 1849-1917
The Family of Michael and Anne Taylor
The family of William & Jane Davis
Family one girl and two boys sitting on a fence with snow
Family Photograph - unknown
Family portrait of the Poke children of Circular Head, Tasmania
Family Portrait of Thomas George and Mary Ann Haywood
Family Tree Concertina File
Fan Shelf
Fancy work belt
Farm buildings of Upper Plenty in the early days
Farm House, Pipers River
Farmer clearing the land and burning stumps
Farmer Family
Farmer on an early Massey Ferguson tractor
Farming with fire (2)
Farnham family of Smithton, Tasmania c.1904
Farrel Lines House Flag
Farrell Line Flag
Farriers Knife
Farsund Painting
Farsund Picture Frame
Farsund Quarter Deck Bell
Farsund Shackle
Farsund Vase 1
Farsund Vase 2
Farsund Wine Glass
Farsund Wooden Pulley Block
Farsund Wrench
Fashion of the era
Fashion of the era - a cute little boy
Fashion of the era, a dear little boy