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Title index: P
P & O Cap Badge
P & O House Flag (3)
P & O Line House Flag
P & R Bristol Bottle
P Buchanan
'P' Flag (2)
P J Nicol's store in King Street, Smithton, Tasmania.
P.A. & A.Feil's homestead (1940's)
Pacific & Orient Line House Flag
Pack horses leaving Temma for Balfour, Tasmania
Pack of Drinking Water
Packet- Playing Cards
Packing berry fruit in punnets for sale in shops.
Packing Crate Flour Box
Paddock of tobacco leaf (1930's)
P.A.Feil's, farm, homestead & hop kiln, Upper Plenty
P.A.Feil's farm under snow, Upper Plenty (before 1940)
P.A.Feil's farm, Upper Plenty (possibly before 1920)
P.A.Feil's homestead, hop kiln, fruit and hop fields.
P.A.Feil's hop and berry farm, Upper Plenty.
Paget Angle Sextant
Paint box
Paint Container
Paint Tin
Paintbrush Storage Tin
Painted photograph of Capt. C. Bayley
Painting - Evaleeta
Painting - Oil attributed Haughton Forrest
Painting - Oil of Queenstown
Painting - Oil of the vessel Wild Wave
Painting - Oil of USS Co Schooner
Painting - Oil related to the vessel Endeavour
Painting - Oil related to the vessel S S Cornwall
Painting - Watercolour
Painting - Watercolour of vessels Enterprise and Success
Painting - Watercolour related to the vessel Berean
Painting - Watercolour related to the vessel Lady Nelson
Painting “New Town Bay”
Painting of Country Scene
Painting of English country scene
Painting of “Fortitude”
Painting of “Hally Bayley”
Painting of “Harkaway”
Painting of “Lufra”
Painting of Mt. Direction from Risdon Ferry
Painting of Solar Globe
Painting of Vessel "Flying Childers"