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Title index: L
Lamp bases
Lamp from a Masthead Light
Lamp Shades
Lamp Stain
Lamp Trimmers Scissors
Lance (3)
Land Army girls, New Norfolk, WW2 (1940's).
Land clearing, Upper Plenty, Derwent Valley
Land Grant of W. Jarrett
Land Settlement Keys
Land Settlement Survey Levels
Landline Telegraph Cable
Landrover on the punt crossing over the Arthur River, Tasmania
Landscape Annuals1832 & 1833
Landscape with Mill
Lantern glass
Lantern Wick
Large beached sperm whales on Perkins Island
Large Black Kitchen Boiler
Large Comport
Large Crystal Decanter
Large, elegant town home
Large family group
Large Furnace Spanners
A large home at Balfour, Tasmania in early 1900s
Large kidney bowl
Large Mobile Acetylene Welder
A large stack of sacks full of produce probably grain or chaff
Large tapestry
Last Letters from Egypt
Later model cars in Emmett Street, Smithton, Tasmania
A later view of the ruins at Highfield at Stanley, Tasmania in the 1920's
Latrobe (2)
Launceston Marine Board House Flag
Launceston Rifle Club Account Book
Launceston Rifle Club Minute Book (2)
Launch 'Kooyong'
Launch 'Lelita'
Launch of Ayesha of Huon, 1987- 1
Launch of Ayesha of Huon, 1987- 2
Laura Feil and companion at Salmon Ponds
Laura Matilda Feil (nee McCallum)
Laurel Kerosene Container
Lawhill (7)
Lawitta deviation, 1938
Lawrence Family History Folder
Lawrence Family Vault
Lawrenny homestead Ouse with some of the crowd at the clearing sale 1950
Lawson Family History Folder