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Title index: W
White Mutton-Bird
White Pinafore Gold dMine, Lefroy, Tasmania, 1897
White Pinafore Gold Mine, Lefroy, 1897
White Pinafore Gold Mine, Lefroy, Tasmania, 1897
White Pinafore Gold Mine, Lefroy, Tasmania, 1904
Whitefoord School Pump Organ
Whitehouse Coal Iron
Whitemark District School Telephone Switchboard
Whitemark Gaol Cell Padlock
Whitemark Hospital Operating Table
Whitemark Ink Bottle
Whitemark Telephone Exchange Switchboard
Whitemark Wharf
White's Natural History of Selbourne
The Whitesides of Birralee a Folder
Whittaker Collection (11 Images).
Whittle Family History
Whitton's Index to The Mercury Birth Notices 1858-1899 (incomplete)
Whitton's Index to The mercury Death notices 1858-1899 (incomplete)
Whitton's Index to The Mercury Marriage notices 1858-1899 (incomplete)
Wicker dolls pram (3)
Wicker Fender
Wild Wave (2)
Wild Wave, Asia, Helen.
The Wild World Magazine
Wilfred Batty of Mawbanna, Tasmania, with a Tasmanian Tiger
Wilfred Nicholson of Ringwood(1899-1973) Lachlan identities
Wilhelmsen House Flag
Willett Shipbuilding Planes
William Albert LOWRIE
William and Mary Buckby's home at West Montagu, Tasmania
William Baxter
William Dudley Dance
William Gunn
William Henry Roles
William Isaac Murfet
William Medwin of Black River, Tasmania
William Pears Work Indenture
William Peterson and Sons Garage
William Purser watercolour painting of Highfield at Stanley, Tasmania
William Reid mowing oats on Robbins Island. Circa 1900
William Reid skinning a wallaby on Robbins Island
William Roberts (2)
William Roberts and wife of Mt Direction.
William Sewell
Williams and Ollington wedding portrait
Williamson Allan Matthew No 22396
Willie Mansell Muttonbirding