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Title index: B
BHP Flag (2)
BHP House Flag
Bi-plane at the aerodrome at Smithton, Tasmania
Bible (1830) and Book of Psalms
Bicentenary Celebrations - 1788 to 1988 - in the Furneaux Group.
Bicentenary of the Discovery of the Furneaux Group 1773-1973
Bicentenary Plaque
Bicentennial Flag
Bicheno Photographs
Bicycle Saddle Bag
Bicycle- Men's
Big Ben' a Marrawah Tramway Engine
'Big Ben" hauling logs on the Marrawah tramway in the 1930s
A big blackwood log at Smithton, Tasmania
The big milk coolers in the Duck River Co-op Butter & Bacon Factory at Smithton, Tasmania in 1950
Bike decorated as a yacht in the Federation Jubilee Day Pageant in Smithton, Tasmania in 1951
Bilge Pump (2)
Bill and Norah Holyman and others
Bill and Norah Holyman of Robbins Island
Bill 'Poppy' Edwards at Temma, Tasmania
Billy can
Billy Crane and Catherine Grace
Binnacle Compass
Binnacle Compass - Terralinna
Binnacle Cover
Binnacle from the ferry S.S. Victory
Binocular Telescope.
Binoculars and Case
Binoculars, H. Hughes & Sons, London
Birchs Bay / Flowerpot Historical Information, Photographs Newspaper Articles & Maps
Bird Farm, Piper's River
Bird Homestead, Piper's River
Birds Eye view of the Stanley cemetary off the side of the Nut, Stanley, Tasmania
Birds-eye Huon pine tray
Birngana (2)
Birralee Anglican Church
Birralee Memorial Hall
Births registered in Penguin from 1912
Biscuit Barrel
Biscuit glaze inkwell
Bishop's chair
Black Bust
Black Cast Iron Boiler
Black glass bottles (pair of)
Black Hull
Black lace shawl
Black Ledger
Black Marble Clock
Black Marble Mantel Clock