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Title index: L
Long School Desk
Long-handled Cast Iron Saucepan
Longford, Area 3
Longford Zoning
Lonsdale Promenade
Loo Table
Looking across the Duck River at Smithton, Tasmania in c.1890
Looking across the river at the early wharf and King Street, Smithton, Tasmania
Looking down Smith Street, Smithton, Tasmania toward the bridge over the Duck River
Looking east at the township of Balfour, Tasmania in the early 1900s
Looking north up Emmett Street Smithton, Tasmania, in 1919
Looking toward the mouth of the Duck River at Smithton, Tasmania
Looking up Smith Street from Nelson Street, Smithton, Tasmania
Looking up the Duck River toward the bridge at Smithton, Tasmania
Looking west toward the township at Balfour, Tasmania in the early 1900s
Loongana (5)
Loongana with Harriet Mcgregor
Loran-C Navigator
Lord Nelson's letter
Lorraine Murray and friends, George Town
Lorraine Murray dressed for Ball, George Town , 1931
Lorraine Murray dressed for the Ball, George Town.
Lorraine Murray dressing up 1934.
Lorraine Murray dressing up in 1934.
Lorraine Murray, George Town (2)
Lottah (2)
Lottah People
Lottie Iris LUCK
Louis Hardwick who was a well known local axeman
Louis Kay with his dog at his farm at Nabageena, Tasmania
Loveridge's Family Home and Farm Wynyard Tasmania c1930.
Lovett (Cygnet), Cygnet prior 1905,
Lovett Dinghy Stern
Lovett Township (Cygnet) (4)
Low Head Post Office 1901
Low Head, Tasmania (4)
Lower Derwent Football Club (1933)
Lower Rigging Dead Eye
Lufra (5)
Luggage Label
Lughrata Harpoon
Lumbermans Lassie
Lumberman's Lassie
Lunatic Asylum staff.
Lunawanna (4)
Lunawanna State School