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Title index: B
Burslem Pottery Soup Dish
Burslem Serving Dish
Burton's Reserve
Bush camp site
Bush campsite on the Plenty River, Upper Plenty.
Bush Hotel Visitors
Bush Inn, New Norfolk.
The bush landing at Brittons Swamp, Tasmania
Bush scene, Upper Plenty
Bushells Post Office Money Box
Bushfires (2)
Bushmen at a Fourteen Mile camp on the Marrawah Tramway
Bushmen felling giant trees in the forests of Circular Head, Tasmania
Bushmen in their Sunday best.
Bushmen near a giant tree that was felled by using a cross cut saw
Bushmen taking a break at a bush mill on the Marrawah Tramway in Circular Head, Tasmania
Bushmen working near the Marrawah Tramline near Marrawah, Tasmania
Bushmen's Band at Irishtown, Tasmania in 1905
Bushy Park Store & Boarding House
Business Cards
The business of James H Edwards at Stanley, Tasmania
Bust of Charles Dickens
Bust of Schiller
Busy day at the Old Wharf at Stanley, Tasmania
Busy ladies at a sewing bee
Busy street with vehicles in the Federation Jubilee Day Pageant at Smithton, Tasmania. 1951
Butlers Gorge football club (1949) at Boyer Oval, New Norfolk.
Butt Plate
Butter Churn
The butter churn at the Duck River Co-op Butter & Bacon Factory at Smithton, Tasmania.1950s
Butter Facory Pipette
Butter Factory Burette
Butter Factory Butter Pats
Butter Factory Mallet
Butter Factory Marble Slab
Butter Factory Measuring Bottles
Butter Factory Rolling Pin
Butter Factory Tongs
Butter Kneeding Board
Butter Knife (2)
Butter making at the Duck River Co-op Butter & Bacon Factory at Smithton, Tasmania.
Butter Pat
Butter wrapping machine in the Duck River Co-op Butter & Bacon Factory at Smithton, Tasmania 1950
Buttermilk Vanilla Ice Cream Tin
Butterworth Family Jardiniere
Butterworth Lounge Suite
Butterworth Pine Table
Button Hook (2)
Button Melbourne Steamship Co