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Title index: P
Papier Machie Compedium and ink stand
Papier-Mache Table
Parachute Flare
Parachute Flares
Parade Float c1945 Wynyard Tasmania.
Parallel Rule (4)
Parallel Ruler
Parallel Rules
Parents and Friends Association
Parian ware angel ornament
Parian ware bracket
Parsons & Gilmour Garage
Part of the Counties of Buckingham and Kent
Particulars of Conviction and Prison History Form
Partners Progress - The Cygnet Co-operative Canning Society Limited
Passat (3)
Passengers Trunk
Pastille Burner
Pat Lane, Rosny Cottage 1953
Pat Lane, Rosny Cottage 1953 Neil Davis
Pat Lane with Boko, Rosny Cottage 1953 Neil Davis
Pat Walters moving house, a truck load on the Arthur River punt. First in a series of three photographs.
Pat Walters (Snr) and horse 'Jack' at Temma, Tasmania
Pat Walters with a west coast prospector
Paterson Monument, Geroge Town, Tasmania, 1950's.
Patricia Rowe Shell Necklace
Patriotic Funds
Paul Jason Youd
Paul Lane and Boko, Rosny Cottage 1953 Neil Davis
Paying Off Pendant
The pea harvest machine at work in the fields in Circular Head, Tasmania
Peace celebrations at Stanley, Tasmania in 1918
Peaked Naval Cap
Peaked Officer's Cap
Pear Shaped brass and copper light fitting
Pearl Handled Cutlery Set
Pearl shell with Scrimshaw
Pearl Shell with Scrimshaw.
Peas on the conveyor belts in the Smithton Cannery factory at Smithton, Tasmania in the 1950's
Pedal Grinder
The Peg Factory, Hamilton Road, New Norfolk, Tasmania. (5. Images)
Pelican Point Jetty at Smithton, Tasmania in 1904
Pen Knife
Pen Nib (2)
Pen stand ornament