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Title index: B
Building second beacon - North Point Stanley
Buildings - Commercial
Buildings - private
Buildings - Public
The buildings at Whales Head in its heyday on the west coast of Tasmania
Buildings in Church Street, Stanley, Tasmania
Bulb Changing Mechanism
Bullet from the vessel "Waterwitch"
Bullion Bag
Bullock Led Dray Loaded With Logs
Bullock pulling a cart at Balfour, Tasmania
Bullock Team
Bullock team and men at a sawmill in Circular Head, Tasmania
Bullock team at Balfour, Tasmania
Bullock team at J N Nicholls & Sons cheese factory at Green Point Marrawah, Tasmania
Bullock Team at Riana
Bullock team beside a boat on the beach
Bullock team carting logs in 1918
A bullock team hauling a big log at Stanley, Tasmania
Bullock team hauling bales possibly wool
A Bullock Team Hauling Logs
Bullock team hauling logs on the beach on the way to Stanley, Tasmania
Bullock team hauling logs past a farm house
Bullock team hauling wool bales on Robbins Island
Bullock Team on Lagoon Beach.
Bullock team pulling a load outside the Marrawah Hotel, at Marrawah, Tasmania in 1925
Bullock team taking stores from Marrawah to Temma, Tasmania in 1930
Bullock team, Upper Plenty.
Bullock team used for hauling timber at Stanley, Tasmania in 1904.
Bullock Yoke
Bullocks and people on Hunter Island
Bullocks hauling wood
Bullocks hitched up to a beached boat, possibly on Robbins Island
Bullocks pulling a sled on Hunter Island
Bullocks with sled on Hunter Island
Bundy Clock
Burbury Family History Items
Burial Records - BU
Burials of First Fleeters in Van Diemens Land 1807-1860
Burkes Golden Wedding Anniversary
Burnie Caledonian Band Goldie Street Wynyard Tasmania
Burnie to Stanley Coach at Stanley
Burnie wharves
Burning off timber, Upper Plenty
Burnt Out Shops
Burrill's Warehouse in Humphrey Street, New Norfolk
Burslem Pottery Dinner Plates
Burslem Pottery Meat Plate