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Title index: C
Condiment Set
Confirmation group, St Brigids convent school, New Norfolk
Conical Dry-powder Fire Extinguisher
Conley Family Tree
Construction gang on the Marrawah road in Circular Head, Tasmania in the 1930s
The construction nearing completion at Duck River Butter & Bacon Factory site at Smithton, Tasmania in 1917.
Construction of the new Duck River Co-op Butter & Bacon Factory at Smithton, Tasmania in 1917
Contracts Register
Convent School, Cygnet
Convex Mirror
Convict Applications to bring out families to Van Diemen's Land (also NSW,Vic & WA) Index 1827-1873
Convict Handcuffs
Convict Leg Iron and Chain
Convict Leg Irons
Convict Made Brick (21)
A Convict Pioneer and His Descendants
Convict. V. D Land. 2500 12-54 Form No. 62
Convicts on Bruny Island
The Convicts who discovered Bass Strait (2)
Coogee (2)
Coogee Masthead Light
The Cookhouse, Big Dog Island
Coombend Family History Items
Coomonderry & Derwent Hunter
'Coomonderry' in rough seas at Burnie, Tasmania in 1923
The Coomonderry on the North Bank of the Inglis River Wynyard Tasmanina c 1940.,
Copper from the vessel, "Derwent Hunter"
Copper Kerosene Container
Copper Kettle
Copper Nail
Copper Nails
Copper/brass kettle
Copperhead Snake
Coppleman family around the International lorry early 1920's.
Coral Ives' Tennis Racquet
Cork Buoy
Cork lifebelt
Corkscrew (2)
Cornelius O'Keefe's Cottage
Corner Cupboard
Corner Goldie and Jackson Street Wynyard Tasmania c1925.
Corner Moore and Goldie Streets Wynyard Tasmania c1905.
Cornwall 3A
Cornwall 3B