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Catholic Church Wynyard Tasmania c1910.
Catholic School
Catholic school house
Cattle buyers at the local sale at Lileah, Tasmania 1949
Cattle coming off punt at Arthur River, Tasmania
Cattle crossing on the Arthur River punt on the west coast of Tasmania
Cattle crossing the Arthur River on the west coast of Tasmania
Cattle crossing the Pieman River on the west coast of Tasmania
Cattle grazing near the buildings at Whales Head, Tasmania
Cattle loaded on the Arthur River punt on the west coast of Tasmania
Cattle passing the buildings at Highfield Stanley, Tasmania
Cattle Sale Yards Wynyard Tasmania c1912
Cattle sales at Lileah, Tasmania in 1949
Caught in Ice
Caulking Cotton
Caulking Irons
Caulking Mallet (2)
Cave entrance on the eastern coastline of Hunter Island
Cawthorn's Bus
Cecil King and Joe Morton at Smithton, Tasmania
Cecil King ploughing with a team of bullocks at Marrawah, Tasmania
Cecil King ploughing with his team of six bullocks at Marrawah, Tasmania
Cecil Roberts, Mt Direction.
Cedar book case
Cedar book shelf
Cedar chest of drawers
Cedar Chest of Drawers
Cedar Chiffonier
Cedar commode (2)
Cedar corner cupboard
Cedar cot
Cedar curtain rod
Cedar Dining Chair
Cedar fender stool
Cedar fireplace surround
Cedar hall table
Cedar high chair
Cedar Secretaire Bookcase
Cedar side table (2)
Cedar Side Table
Cedar Sofa
Cedar Sofa Table
Cedar tall boy
Cedar washstand
cedar whatnot
Cedar Whatnot
Celebration, Marrawah tram Circular Head, Tasmania. 1913
Celebrations and Events
Cell Block and Exercise Yard 3