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Title index: M
Memorial of William (Bill) SUTTON
Memorial of William Charles MURPHY
Memorial of William COBBETT
Memorial of William COKER
Memorial of William CREEDON
Memorial of William DAWSON
Memorial of William DIGNON
Memorial of William DODERY
Memorial of William E CARRICK
Memorial of William Fulbert ARCHER
Memorial of William GRILLS
Memorial of William Henry Davies ARCHER
Memorial of William HILL
Memorial of William John ELEY
Memorial of William LELEAN
Memorial of William LOWE
Memorial of William MARTIN Brig-General VD
Memorial of William Robert REID
Memorial of William SMITH
Memorial of William Stanley FROST (2)
Memorial of William T ABBOTT
Memorial of William WYKES
Memorial of Winifred GLOVER
Memorial of Winnie PAGE
Memorial of Yvonne Mildred GERKE
Memorial of Zernie I HAY
Memorial Plaque
Memorial stone to Henry & Catherine LOHREY & their five children
Memorial to Andrew TSAKIRIS
Memorial to Early Navigators
Memorial to Herbert Cyril McCARTHY
Memorial to Mary Bernice McCARTHY
Memorial to Paul DELLAS
Memorial to the first St. Paul's Church, Adventure Bay
The men and a horse team at J.S.Lees sawmill at Roger River West, Tasmania
Men and packhorses at the Whales Head Hotel on the west coast of Tasmania
Men at a Fourteen Mile camp on the Marrawah Tramway
Men at a sunken boat off Robbins Island
Men at the adit of Murrays Reward Mine at Balfour, Tasmania
Men at work on the early road building on the West Coast of Tasmania
Men baling wool during shearing time
Men carrying a log to be used in cording the road in the Marrawah area of Circular Head, Tasmania
Men carting in a log at the Salmon River sawmill at Redpa, Tasmania
Men constructing a haystack on a farm in Circular Head, Tasmania
Men knapping stones during early road building on the Marrawah Road in Circular Head, Tasmania
Men looking among the ruins a Hotel after the fire at Balfour, Tasmania
Men of the West Coast, Francis "Frank' Gaffney
Men of the west coast Pat Walters and his son Pat
Men on horseback at Whales Head Hotel on the west coast of Tasmania in early 1900s
Men operating a threshing machine in Circular Head, Tasmania