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Title index: D
Dorothy Alexanda Burn & Mona Lilian Burn.
Dorothy Gilbert's Collection, of Lachlan (3 images)
Dorothy Oakley (nee Brazendale)
Double Block (3)
Double Handed Crosscut Saw
Double Picture Frames
Double purchase block (2)
Double Sheave Block (2)
Double Wooden Block (7)
Douglas Motor Bike
Doulton-Bursem Plate
'Dovecote' the home of William Wilbraham Ford at Stanley, Tasmania
Down Wapping
Doyley Holder
Dr. Brothers family at Frescati, New Norfolk. 1946.
Dr. Bruce Anderson
DR. H. Z. Stephens
Dr James Frost File
Dr. Kidd's Influenza Elixer
Drake Family History Items
Drapery Store and Residence 74 Goldie Street Wynyard Tasmania c1920.
Draught horses at the Brighton Show, November 1952
Draught horses on a tramline in Circular Head, Tasmania
Drawing Comptroller General’s Cottage, Port Arthur
Drawing Room Chairs (2)
Drawing room table
Drawing Room Vase
Drawing Things Beach, Tasmania
Drawstring Purse
Dredge "Leven"
Dredging Telegraph
Dredging Telegraph Handle & Telegraph
Dress Collar
Dressed for the Ball, George Town
Dressing Table
Dressing Table Runner
Dressing Table Set
Drew's Chemist Shop
Driftwood Fish
Drilling Brace (2)
Drip stone filter (2)
The driver Claude Tedman with his bullock team
Dr.James Muir's Surgery and Residence c1930 Wynyard Tasmania.
Drop octogon clock
Droving cattle up King Street, Smithton, Tasmania
Drunken Bottles
Dry Card Compass
Dry Powder Pressure Cylinder