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Title index: P
Portable Electric Heater used in Tasmanian Schools.
Portable Methylated Spirit Stove
Portable Navigation Light Stand
Portable Shearing Plant, Lionel Poole, Cyril Young
Portable VHF Telephone Unit
Portable writing desk
Porthole (10)
porthole - Lake Illawarra
Porthole - 'Maitland'
Porthole - 'Ponrabbel II'
Porthole - 'SS Nelson'
Porthole Frame
Porthole from the vessel "PS Kangaroo"
Porthole from the Vessel SS Southern Cross
Porthole Glass
Portholes ex "Jessie Craig"
Portrait - Annie Britton of Brittons Swamp
Portrait - William & Mary Ollington, Ada nee Ollington, Percy John, of Circular Head, Tasmania.
Portrait E Geale in uniform
Portrait Emma Bayley
Portrait Jane and William Poke
Portrait Mrs. Charles Bayley
Portrait of a group six people in uniform in 1914
Portrait of a lady in the garden
Portrait of a Soldier in uniform
Portrait of a well dressed young woman
Portrait of a Wells, Poke and Ollington family group in 1899
Portrait of a young woman
Portrait of Ada John (nee Ollington)
Portrait of Ada (nee Bilson) and Albert J Ollington
Portrait of Adeline Smith of Stanley, Tasmania
Portrait of Albert and Maryanne Evans of Marrawah, Tasmania
Portrait of Alex Innes in uniform pre 1917
Portrait of Alf S Charton
Portrait of Amy & David Kay of Alcomie, Tasmania
Portrait of Annie Britton and children of Brittons Swamp
Portrait of Bayley Ancestors
Portrait of Billy King and Walter McCulloch
Portrait of Bishop F. R. Nixon
Portrait of brother and sister in the Billing family
Portrait of Cecil Innes in uniform
Portrait of Charles O'Connor pioneer settler of Forest, Tasmania
Portrait of Charles William Poke
Portrait of Charles Williams, a pioneer of Montagu, Tasmania
Portrait of Circular Head Identity, Henry Flinders Ford
Portrait of Circular Head Identity, William Wilbraham Ford
Portrait of Clara House
Portrait of Daisy Billing in 1939
Portrait of David Wigg in uniform
Portrait of Dennis Dobbins