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Title index: S
Stanley - North Point beacon
Stanley - North Point Reef beacon
Stanley Balfour railway, Circular Head, Tasmania in 1911
Stanley blacksmith - Ted O'Neill
Stanley Brass Band, Circular Head, Tasmania in 1910
Stanley Brass Band in 1876 Circular Head, Tasmania
Stanley Butter Factory at Stanley, Tasmania
Stanley Carl Peterson
Stanley children playing with a hand cart
Stanley Football Club Seniors Circular Head, Tasmania in 1956
Stanley Football team Circular Head, Tasmania in 1903
The Stanley Football team Circular Head, Tasmania, that broke the drought in 1936
Stanley from Austin's Jetty at Stanley, Tasmania
Stanley group with ship owner Vic Hardy
Stanley McMullen and Daisy McMullen (nee) Stubbs
Stanley Picnic Day on the beach Circular Head, Tasmania
Stanley pioneer residents
Stanley Races Circular Head, Tasmania in 1901
Stanley Show Committee 1908
Stanley, Tasmania - an early view from the Nut
Stanley, Tasmania in the late 1850-1860s taken from Nut
Stanley, Tasmania looking west toward the Green Hills
Stanley, Tasmania, street scene in 1903
Stanley, Tasmania, street scene looking west
Stanley, Tasmania, the old convict barracks at Highfield which was built in 1834
Stanley wharf
Stanton, Back River Road, Magra, with group of family and friends (about 1900).
Stanton's Shop Cygnet
Stapled Cup
Star (2)
Star Chart
Star Finder
The Star suburban newspapers of Hobart. Index to Birth Notices 1992-1998
Starboard Engine Telegraph
Starboard Lamp
Starboard Light
The State School
Station Pointer
Station Pointers
Station wagon.
Stationary chaff cutter doing seasonal work on a local farm
St.Brigids Catholic Church Wynyard Tasmania c1914.
Steam Dredge "Macquarie"
Steam driven log hauler
Steam engine at a bush mill at the Hook Creek sawmill at Rocky Cape, Tasmania
Steam engine at a spot mill in bush in Circular Head, Tasmania
The steam engine built by Elijah and Mark Britton at Brittons Swamp, Tasmania
Steam Engine Compound Gauge
Steam engine cutting chaff at Rocky Cape, Tasmania
Steam Engine on Marrawah Tramway in 1931