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Title index: C
Colonial cedar dolls bed
Colonial Cedar Sofas
Colonial Church Atlas
Colonial Oven Door Handle
Colonial settle
Colonial Sideboard
Colonial Steam Engine
Colour photographs of the Kentdale hop kiln, Bushy Park, now demolished. Showing interior and exterior photo's. (23. Images).
Colour picture of Highfield and the stone fences at Stanley, Tasmania before restoration
Coloured postcard of Stanley, Tasmania and The Nut
Coloured Print: Pulpit Rocks, New Norfolk
Coloured Print: “Shannon River, New Norfolk”
Combined military sports, Anzac Day, 1937, Pte R.Otto, Cpl W.B.Dixon, Cpl R.J.Cossum, winners Lewis Gun competition.
Comfit Glass
Commandant's Cottage, Granton
Commander Carrier Group Seven
Commander's Uniform
Commemorative Coin
Commemorative Cup
Commemorative Medallion (4)
Commemorative plaque
Commemorative Tobacco Jar
Commercial Apple Peeler and Corer
Commercial Bank
Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd building in Emmett Street, Smithton, Tasmania c.1918
The Commercial Bank of Tasmania Limited Cygnet 1920
Commercial Bank of Tasmania Ltd, Cygnet
Commercial Bank Wynyard Tasmania 1930
Commercial fishermen Captain William Freeburgh and his son Tom
The Commercial Hotel at Stanley, Tasmania established in 1858
The Commercial Hotel Moore and Espalnade(now Goldie Street) Wynyard Tasmania 1907.
Commercial Hotel, Wynyard 1928
Commercial Tables
Commode Base
Commode Fragment
Communications in the Furneaux Group
Community Events
Community organisations
Commwercial Bank of Tasmania, Cygnet
Companion Fuel Stove
Compass (9)
Compass from the vessel Lady Franklin
Compass related to the vessel H M S Victory
complextion protector screen
Comport and Fruit Plate
Compound Gauge
Compound Pressure Gauge
Concordia Bell
Condiment Jar