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Title index: R
Riding a horse sitting side saddle in the Rocky Cape/Montumana area in Tasmania
Riding the horse 'Lord Stanley'
Rifle Clubs (3)
Rifle Clubs, Tasmania Register of Members
Rifle shooting, Brighton. 29th December 1950.
Riflemans Cup Medal Hobart, Tasmania (2)
Rigging and sail plan
Right Entrance Pillar
Ringwood Hop Kiln
Ringwood hop kiln (T.Nicholson), Ringwood Road, Lachlan.
Rita Cox, local Historian. 1924 - 2008.
Rita Jean Lethborg
Rita, Roy, Nellie and Bill Feil _ children
The river above New Norfolk.
River Beacon
River Beacon Glasses
River Chief
River Derwent
River Don Trading Company General Store Wynyard Tasmania c1962.
River Don Trading Company Goldie Street Wynyard Tasmania 1920.
River Light (4)
River Light Glass
River Light Lens
River Mersey
River Mitta
River Steamer
River Steamers (2)
River Steamers, Railways & Electricity
River view at New Norfolk with hop kiln and Black Jetty.
River view near New Norfolk
RMS Gothic
R.M.S. Orama
R.M.S. Queen Elizabeth
RMS Queen Mary
RMS "Queen Mary"
Road Bridge over Camp Creek at 1/2 tide at Wynyard Tasmania 1921.
Road Bridge over Camp Creek at Wynyard Tasmania c1900.
Road Bridge over Camp Creek Wynyard Tasmania c1905.
Road building group.
Road building, Upper Plenty. (1910-1912)
Road building, Upper Plenty (1910-1912)
Road building, Upper Plenty (early 1900's) (2)
Road gang, Plenty Road, Upper Plenty (1911-1912)
Road gang, Upper Plenty (1910-14).