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Title index: L
List of Crested China Dinnerware 1839
List of Graves at Cygnet Cemetries
Lister Internal Combustion Engine
Litter Enforcement, Port Cygnet
A Little Skitin' on the Side
Livery Stables
Llanberis, Hollow Tree Road, Bothwell. (2. Images).
Loading bags of hops on trailer in hop field.
Loading bales of wool at Woolnorth Harbour, Tasmania in 1905
Loading calves onto a ship using a sling
Loading cheese into a plane on Robbins Island
Loading cheese into a railway carriage in a bush setting
Loading produce from the East Montagu jetty and wharf at Montagu, Tasmania
Loading stooks of oats on truck.
Local Chemist Shop
Local family on Christmas Day in 1930
Local identities and children at Stanley, Tasmania
Local identities, Mr & Mrs McGuire, 1932
Local identity, Clr P J Graham, January 1932
Local Industries 1987-2001
Local lad with a cheeky grin
Local lass Jean McKinlay with her friend on horseback
Local soldier (unknown) of World War 1 photographed in hop ground near picking time (note the well formed hops). No badges or unit flashes visible.
Locals leaving after the opening of Breakwater jetty at Stanley, Tasmania
Locals take a trip to Balfour
Loch Lomond
Loch Torridon (2)
Loch Vennachar
Locked boots
Lockie's Drawing & Indicator Diagram Scales
Locomotive at Fenton's mill, Broadmeadows, Tasmania
Loft Pulley Wheel
Lofting for Harmony
Log Celery Top Pine
Log handling equipment at Leesville near Smithton, Tasmania
Log Impeller
Log Rotator (2)
Log Rotor
The log skid area at the Salmon River sawmill at Redpa, Tasmania
Log Truck with a three and half ton Myrtle log on, at Wynyard Tasmania 1940.
Loganberry picking at J K Nicholson's Forest Hill, Lachlan in 1950
Logs at the sawmill at the Arthur River via Roger River, Tasmania
Logs being hauled by a tractor in the timber yard at Salmon River, Tasmania
Loina Ventilator
A lone hunter
Long Bay Light
Long Island Spectacles