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Title index: B
The Barrett Family and Long Island
Barrett Grindstone
Barry Doilie
Bartlett, Thomas
Bartley, Theodore Bryant
Barton & Isis Combined Cemetery
Barton Family
Bartram Cheese Mould
Bartsch, Harold Maxwell
Barwick Family
Barwick Family History Items
Basil Bayles 101st birthday
Basin Stand and Shelf (2)
Basket by Delia Summer
Basket for coal
Bass & Flinders Monument
Bass & Flinders Plaque
Bass Highway East Wynyard Tasmania c1905.
Bassinet Cover
The Batages: A family history from1854
Bates, Daisy
Bates Salve
Bath time at Alcomie, Tasmania, 1926-28
Bathysondes (2)
Batman, John
Battery Box
Battery Capacity Meter
Battery Charger
Battery Condition Gauge
Battery Operated Aerodrome Runway Light
Battery Point Slip Yards
Battle of the Coral Sea (2)
Baxter family
Baxter Family, Piper's River
Baxter Farm, Piper's River.
Baxter, John
Bayles Family
Bayley family cross stitch sampler
Bayley family photograph album (2)
Bayley Family Silhouette
Bayley Ship Flag
Bayley/Bayly silhouette (2)
Baylis, Minnie
Bayly/Bayley Silhouette
Baynton, Solomon John
Beached Sperm Whales Perkins Island
Beachwashed Carving