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Title index: C
The Crole family of Trowutta, Tasmania
The Crole residence at Trowutta, Tasmania
Cross & Crown
Crosscut Saw
Crosscut Saws
Crossing the Robbins Island Passage between Montagu, Tasmania and Robbins Island
Croud at Cygnet Regatta
Crowd assembling for the picnic sports at recreation ground after the Federation Jubilee Day pageant in Smithton, Tasmania, in 1951
Crowd at the Wynyard Aerodrome during the Air Pageant in 1932.
Crowd gather for the laying of the foundation stone for the Stanley Town Hall at Stanley, Tasmania
Crowd Scene, Lagoon Beach Regatta, Low Head
Crowd watching the Cygnet Regatta
Crown Dahlia Separator
Crows Nest
Cruet Set with Dragon Motif Tray
Crummock Water
Cruttenden Family History Items
Crystal Comport
Crystal Decanter
Crystal Decanters (pair of)
Crystal Lustre Candle Stick holder
Crystal Lustre Vase
Crystal Set Radio
CSIRO Soil pH test kit
Cub Scouts group Smithton, Tasmania
Cufflink Brooch
Cullenswood St Mary Roman Catholic Cemetery
Cunningham family photograph
Cup (2)
Cup & Saucer (3)
Cup and Riveted Saucer
Cup and saucers
Cup, Saucer & Plate (2)
Cup TSN Co
cup with spout
Cup won by the vessel Mina
Cupboard Door (2)
Cupboard Latch
Cupboard Lock Latch
Cuprona and West Pine
Cups and saucers
Cups and Saucers
Curb Chains
Curran Family Research File
Currant Cleaner
Curtain Cords
Curtain fabric