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Title index: W
Winsor and Newton paint box
Winterhude (2)
Wire and Wheel
Wiring the cases at the Dewpoint Dehydration Factory at Smithton, Tasmania in the 1940s
Wise Captain
Wise Family Army Mirror in Case
Wise Family Collar Box
Wise Family Gramophone
Wise Family Steel Rule
Wise Family Wooden Rule
Wise Washstand Jug
Wishart Gas Producer
WJC Reid's farm at Irishtown, Tasmania in 1905
W.J.Ingamells Cash Butcher
Woman and cart
Woman in backyard of her home
Woman in White
Woman on the steps at the Duck River Co-op Butter & Bacon Factory at Smithton, Tasmania in the 1950's
Woman's Handkerchief
Women busy sorting vegetables at the Smithton Cannery at Smithton, Tasmania in the 1950s
Women, children and gents on a very early punt crossing of the Arthur River, Tasmania
Women sorting peas in the Smithton Cannery at Smithton, Tasmania in 1952
Women workers at Duck River Co-op Butter & Bacon Factory at Smithton, Tasmania in 1949
Women wrapping butter in Duck River Co-op Butter & Bacon Factory at Smithton, Tasmania
Women's hockey team Circular Head, Tasmania
Wondamixer Food Mixer
Wood & Silver Breadboard
Wood - Carving from SS Silver Crown
Wood carving (2)
Wood Chisel
Wood Family
Wood Framed Hames
Wood hand grooving plane (2)
Wood Rasp File
Wood shingled roof of Oakley's Hop Kiln
Wood Violet Perfume Bottle in Box
Wood working tools
Woodbridge Historical Information, Photographs & Newpaper Clippings.
Wooden Belaying Pin
Wooden Block (4)
Wooden blocks
Wooden Blocks
Wooden Box with Lid
Wooden bucket (2)
Wooden buckets
Wooden Butter Churn