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Willis Inkstand
Willis Living Quarters Painting
Willow Court. 2 Images.
Willow Court, Administration Building opened 1940.
Willow Court Barracks (c1830)
Willow Court, Barracks courtyard, built in 1830
Willow Court, Barracks from 'J' Ward, taken 1998.
Willow Court Barracks, New Norfolk.
Willow Court, Barracks, verandah, built in 1830.
Willow Court buildings before demolition . (2. Images.)
Willow Court, 'C' Security Ward, front entrance, taken 1998. (3. Images)
Willow Court clock tower before demolition. (4. Images)
Willow Court, 'D' Ward built in 1934, last used for men with a mild intellectual disability
Willow Court 'E' Ward buiilt 1937 (?).
Willow Court, 'E' Ward built 1937. Dormitory entrance.
Willow Court, 'E' Ward built 1937, showing individual wards.
Willow Court, Frescati (1834) built by Colonial Secretary, J.Burnett. NNCC.
Willow Court, gatekeeper's niche.
Willow Court, gatekeeper's niche at the entrance to the Barracks, built 1830.
Willow Court, Gentleman's Cottage before demolition. (2. Images)
Willow Court, 'J' Ward, formerly the Ladies Cottage built 1868. (3. Images).
Willow Court, 'K2' Ward built in 1886.
Willow Court, "Lyprenny", New Norfolk.
Willow Court, new "Epileptic" Ward under construction.
Willow Court, Nurse's Home and the Avenue.
Willow Court Nurse's Home built 1913. (5. Images)
Willow Court 'O' Ward built 1887. (2. Images)
Willow Court Oval, completed prior to WW 2.
Willow Court, the old Chapel.
Willow Court, Ward ' I ' before demolition. (2)
Willow Pattern Teapot (2)
Wilson Bros Drapery Pty.Ltd.96 Goldie Street Wynyard Tasmania in c 1990.
Wilson Bros.cnr Goldie and Jackson Streets Wynyard Tasmania.
Wilson Dinghy (2)
Wilson's Footwear and Trophy House Wynyard Tasmania c 1955.
Wind Anonometer Impellor
Wind Festival CD
Wine Bottle (5)
Wine bottle coaster
Wine Bottle Coolers
Wine Bottles
Wine Decanter
Wine Glass (2)
Wine List
Wingaroo: The C J Robinson, Huitfeldt, and Grist Families.