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Title index: D
Decorated car flying a flag in the pageant held in Smithton, Tasmania, 1951
Decorated Letter Press
Decorative Biscuit Tin with Handles
Decorative Pelmet
Decorative Pincushion
Decorative Wood Carving
Decorative Wood Carvings
Deep Creek Road Bridge Wynyard Tasmania 1920.
Deep Sea Crab
Deep Sea Diving Suit (2)
Deep Sea Water Sampler
Deep Spring Daylesford SPA Bottle
Deep Water Measuring Device
'Defender' Port Bottle
The Defender visiting Wynyard Tasmania for the Tulip Festival 1997.
DeHavilland Mishap c1937 Quiggin's Road Wynyard Tasmania.
Delapidated Water Wheel Wynyard Tasmania c1966.
Delivering produce to the Edith Creek Railway Station at Edith Creek, Tasmania in 1925
Delivering small fruit to H.Jones & Co. Stephen Street New Norfolk (1930's
Delivering the mail to Balfour from Whales Head on the west coast of Tasmania
Deliverings of produce being made to the Breakwater Wharf with its new cargo sheds at Stanley, Tasmania. 1908
Delivery Vans Wynyard Area 1928, 1938 and 1943
Demark Hill, Magra (1830)
Demonstration of an older type milk cooling system
The Denne & Davis Connnection
Dentist Chair
Depth Sounder (2)
Deputy Harbour Master's Plaque
Derek Smith Binoculars
Derek Smith Bread Peel
Derek SmithTorch
Derelect Dredge "Agnew" (2)
Derwent (5)
Derwent and Rosny
Derwent Hunter (2)
Derwent Lighthouse (2)
Derwent NW
Derwent River in flood at Hayes in 1952
Derwent River, New Norfolk. (4. Images)
Derwent Sailing Club Picnic
Derwent Valley Autumn Festival on the Esplanade, New Norfolk, 2004. (5. Images)
Derwent Valley combined football (1936).
The descendants of James Owens & Clara Brooks
The descendants of William & Jane Burns in Australia 1871 - 2000
Desk Top Flag (2)
Dessert Bowls
Destruction of Old Wharf at Stanley, Tasmania