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Title index: F
Fashion of the era, a gent with his hat
Fashion of the era, a very elaborate gown
Fashion of the era, an elaborate gown with a bustle
Fashion of the era, another beautiful gown
Fashion of the era, bell shaped gown and head dress
Fashion of the era, fur trimmed costume
Fashion of the era, mother and son
Fashion of the era, well dressed young girl
Fashion of the period
Fashion of the time
Fashions, three girls.
Fashions, three girls and mother.
Father Hogan's Grave
Father J.H.Cullen reading the Archbishops address at the laying of the foundation stone of new convent school, October 4th 1925.
Father John Murphy's "Saddlebag" Records - Catholic Baptisms Huon District 1855-1864
Faux Rosewood Grained Bedroom Chairs
Favourite (2)
Favourite Stories for the Young
Fawn Crocheted Purse
Fay ?
Federal Hotel 1890
Federal Hotel Franklin
Federal Hotel Goldie Street Wynyard Tasmania 1910
Federal Hotel, Wynyard 1907
Federation Jubilee Day Sports and Pageant held in Smithton, Tasmania, in May 1951
Felling a Stringy bark
Felt Hat, 'Asterope' Cargo
Female figurines (pair)
Female truck driver at Duck River Co-op Butter & Bacon Factory at Smithton, Tasmania
Fence wire strainers (2)
Fenner's Bus
Fenton's log hauling tractor at the mill
Fenton's Salmon River mill workers standing on the Harlot locomotive in Circular Head, Tasmania
Fenton's Salmon River timber yards near the Arthur River, Tasmania in 1935
Fenwick Tug Co. House Flag
Ferguson Costume
Ferguson, Maria
Ferguson School Case
Ferguson tractor and an early potato digger at Trowutta, Tasmania
Fern Hook
Ferry Ramp, Western End of the Inglis River Wharf in Wynyard Tasmania c1930.
Ferry Time table
The ferrymans' house at the Arthur River, Tasmania in the 1950's
Fiddlehead related to the vessel Thistle