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Title index: B
Brick Wall Oven
Brick with Dog's Paw Imprint
Bridal party bride and bridesmaids
Bride Catherine Mary Brown on her Wedding Day
Bridge and a peaceful river scene 1921
The bridge and the Duck River at Smithton, Tasmania
Bridge and Town Common
The Bridge Hotel in Montagu Road, Smithton, Tasmania soon after it was built in 1901
Bridge over Deep Creek, Wynyard Tasmania c1895.
Bridge over the Inglis River Wynyard Tasmania c1920.
Bridge over the Meander River
Bridge Telegraph
Bridges Fish Punt
Brier Holme (5)
Brier Holme - Carving
Brier Holme Survivor
Brig "Lady Nelson" (2)
Brigantine "Brenda"
BRIMFIELD Isabel Elizabeth nee Barham.
Bringing logs into the mill at Hastings per locomotive
The Bristol Bulldog being refuelled at the Wynyard Airport in 1932.
Bristol Freighter c1955 at the Wynyard Airport Wynyard Tasmania.
British India Flag
British India Line House Flag
British Merchant Navy Red Ensign
British Tankers House Flag
Brittania Metal Comport
The Britton family group of Brittons Swamp, Tasmania
Britton family group of Brittons Swamp, Tasmania
Britton family home and surrounds at Brittons Swamp, Tasmania
The Britton family homestead at Brittons Swamp, Tasmania
The Britton's mill scene at Brittons Swamp, Tasmania
Britton's mill settlement at Brittons Swamp, Tasmania
Britton's second sawmill at Brittons Swamp, Tasmania
Britton's steel tramway at Brittons Swamp, Tasmania
Broadwood Semi-grand Piano
Brocade Purse
Bronze Beam End Spigot
Bronze Keel Pins
Bronze Key Tag From the vessel RMS Queen Mary
Bronze Medals
Bronze Nuts & Bolts
Bronze pin
Bronze Pins
Bronze Plaque (2)
Bronze Plug
Bronze Propeller Shaft Stuffing Box
Bronze Rivet