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Nellie Beatrice McKay
Nellie Jeffries
Nelson 2
Nelson rejoins "The Victory"
Neptune Hotel
Net Needle
Netherlands House Flag
New AmsterdamTeapot
The new brick building of the "Star of the Sea" Catholic Church in Stanley, Tasmania built 1897-1898
New Bridge over the Meander River
New car at Andora
The New Cyclopedia of Family Medicine Our Home Physician
New Dodge car at Brittons Swamp, Tasmania
The new Duck River Co-op Butter & Bacon Factory Co. Ltd. under construction at Smithton, Tasmania in 1917
New Norfolk ambulance 1956
New Norfolk anglers (August 1938).
New Norfolk Bridge 1941
New Norfolk Bridges. Derwent Valley Tasmania. (5.Images).
New Norfolk buildings. (3 Images).
New Norfolk championship rowing eights (1933).
New Norfolk. Circa ,1930's
New Norfolk Council Chambers, August 1933
New Norfolk Council in 1956, with Dorothy Robinson, first women councillor.
New Norfolk District Hospital 1930
New Norfolk Fire Brigade members. (2.Images)
New Norfolk floods, April 1960. 12 images.
New Norfolk football club.
New Norfolk football team (1892).
New Norfolk junior football team.
New Norfolk looking south across the River Derwent to the Wellington Ranges
New Norfolk regatta. (1953)
New Norfolk rowers.
New Norfolk swimming pool (1953).
New Norfolk swimming pool opening. Jan.1954.
New Norfolk swimming pool repairs (1943).
New Norfolk tennis champions.
New Norfolk tennis courts. (1949).
New Norfolk under Snow
New Pinafore Gold Mine, Lefroy, Tasmania 1897
New Record Saw
New Wharf
New Zealand Flag
The newly formed Smithton - Marrawah road at Brittons Swamp, Tasmania
Newspaper Clipping of Bride and Bridesmaid.
Newspaper Cuttings (2)
Nichols Rivulet
Nichols Rivulet School Desk
The Nicholson's family
Night Light Candle