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Title index: M
Metal Object
Metal pan
Metal Safe
Metal Sailmaker's Spike
Metal Secateurs
metal sheers
Metal sieve
Metal spike
Metal strainer
Methodist Chapel at Back River (formerly Magra)
Methodist Church (2)
Methodist Church, 50 Main Road, Penguin 1902
Methodist Church Centenary, New Norfolk. (1936),
Methodist Church Cygnet
Methodist Church Dodgin Street Wynyard Tasmania.
Methylated Spirit
Metta Butter Box Lid
Mezon Accordion
Mid-Victorian cedar gents arm chair
Mid-Victorian cedar ladies arm chair
Middleton / Flowerpot Newspaper Articles & Photographs from 1880 to 1930.
Middleton Historical Information, Photographs & Maps from early settlement to 1967.
Midlands ANZAC School Sports Medals
Midnight Sun over Bering Strait
Midshipman's dress hat
Mikhail Sholokhov
Military Forces of the Commonwealth Rifle Club Sate of Tasmania Smithton Club Annual Return
Military History (2)
Military trainees at camp, Pontville
Milk Jug (2)
Milk Jug Cover
Milk Separator
Milking a cow at Black River, Tasmania
milking stool
Mill and yard at Arthur River, Tasmania
The mill building, logs and tramway line at the Salmon River sawmill , Redpa, Tasmania
The mill workers at Dunkley's Sawmill at Rocky Cape, Tasmania
Millbrook Rise, New Norfolk, Derwent Valley. (16. Images)
'Milleeta', 'Leederry', 'Wombat' at Smithton, Tasmania
Millen, Jan Pilot Station, Low Head
Millen, Jock and his grandmother
Milling Tramway Slide Track
Millionaire Calculator Machine
Mills Reef School Mural
Minature tea set (2)
Mine on the hill at Balfour, Tasmania
Mine poppet head at Balfour, Tasmania
Mine poppet head at Murray's Reward mine at Balfour, Tasmania