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Tasmanian winners of interstate rowing championships at Port Adelaide (1940).
Tasmania's first Butter Factory Inglis Street Wynyard Tasmania. c 1892.
Tasselled Anglerfish
Tassie 2 (2)
Tassie 3 (T3)
Tatlow's Coach at Stanley, Tasmania
Tatlow's Coach outside the W H Lean & Co building at Stanley, Tasmania
Tatlow's Coach Stables in Stanley Tasmania c.1905
Tatlow's Royal Mail Coach at Stanley, Tasmania
Tattersalls Team Match Medal
Tatts winners, Stan Marshall (left), Ron Williams (right)
Tea Cosy
Tea Cup (3)
Tea Cups and Saucer
The Tea Rooms building in Stanley, Tasmania
Tea-set part
Teak Spar
Team of bullocks outside a farmhouse and shed in Circular Head, Tasmania
Team of horses working in the bush near Marrawah, Tasmania
Team of white horses pulling Tatlow's Royal Mail coach at Stanley, Tasmania
Teaspoon (2)
Teaspoon, 3 from the vessel City Of Edinburgh
Teddy Bear
The Tedman family of Circular Head, Tasmania, with their car
Teecie Carter's Clothing Ration Card
Telegraph Cable (6)
Telegraph, 'Inveresk'
Telephone (2)
Telephone box
Telephone Box
Telescope (16)
Telescope and Case
Telescope Cover
Telescopic dining table
Temma Harbour pier at Whales Head, Tasmania
Temma Harbour, Tasmania in 1910
Temma Post Office and store on the west coast of Tasmania. in 1947/48
Temperance Society Membership Card Wynyard Tasmania late 1890's.
Temple Bar Tobacco
Temporary River Light
Ten small lampshades
Tennis players, New Norfolk ( 1930's)
Tenon Saw
Tent camp beside the Plenty River, Upper Plenty.
Terence Woodhouse
Terra Linna
"Terra Nova" Home at Quiggins Road Wynyard Tasmania c1930.