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Title index: R
Road gang, Upper Plenty (1910_1914)
Road to Boat Harbour Beach, Wynyard Tasmania c1920.
Roads and Bridges
Roadworkers camp on the West Coast of Tasmania
The Rob roy of the Baltic
Robert Burns
Robert Cosgrove Terminal Plaque
Robert Gardiner - Leasee of Flinders Island 1862 - 1886
Robert George Triffitt & Colin Triffitt
Robert Kaine's Bullock Team
Robert Knopwood
Robert Montgomery: Surveyor on Flinders Island
Robert O'May
? Roberts
Robertson family of Alcomie, Tasmania
Robertson's Stretcher (2)
Robinson Family of Badger Corner
Robinson-Holt Family
Robson Family History
Rock carvings at Mount Cameron West, Tasmania
Rocket Propelled Line Thrower
Rocking chair
Rocking horse
Rockurst Bell
Rocky Cape cricket team Circular Head, Tasmania
Rocky Cape Hall at Rocky Cape, Tasmania in the 1930s
Rocky Cape Jetty, Tasmania in the early 1900s
Rocky Cape mill settlement at Rocky Cape, Tasmania
Rocky Cape settlers in a horse and cart at Rocky Cape, Tasmania
Rocky Cape, Tasmania, sawmill workers
Rocky Cape World War I celebrations Circular Head, Tasmania in 1919
Roelof Compagne
Roller Bearing Sheave (2)
Rollins Motor Garage, 1934 calendar.
Rolls Razor
Roman Catholic Church
Roman Catholic Church Franklin Baptism Records 1854-1950
Roman Catholic Presbytery
Ronnie (3)
Roof Shingles
Root Hopper
Rope Brush
Rope Carving
Rope Fender (2)
Rope Making Machine
Rope sea chest handle
Rose Cottage, Blair Street, New Norfolk. (2. Images)