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Title index: C
Carpenter Family History Items
Carpenters tool box
Carpentry Brace
Carpet runner (4)
carpet runner
Carr Villa Memorial Park and Crematorium Records
Carr Villa Memorial Park Burial Records
Carriage Light
Carriage wheels in the grounds of Wentworth House, 1833, Bothwell
Carriages loaded with logs and wood on the Marrawah tram in Circular Head , Tasmania in 1931
Carronade - 18th Century
Cars at Low Head 1928
Cars parked in Nelson Street, Smithton, Tasmania in the 1950s
Cart and two horses unloading in shallow water at Whale's Head harbour at Temma, Tasmania
Carter Family History Folder
Cartledges Bridge Hotel in Montagu Road, Smithton, Tasmania
Cartloads of bagged hops (pokes) at hop kiln.
Carved Bread Knife
Carved Nautalus shell vase (2)
Carved Pin Cushion
Carved sandstone block
Carved Timber
Carved Whalebone Fan
Carved Wooden Fish
Carving above door of St Mary's Church, Gretna
Carving Resembling Rope
Case & tins
Case - Cigarette
Case Making Hatchet
Cased Dry Card Compass 1850
Cased Dry Card Compass 1860
Cased Instruments
Cash Book
Cashmore, New Norfolk, from the esplanade
Casquet of Literature - four volumes
Cast iron baking tray
Cast Iron Buoy
Cast iron camp oven
Cast iron cooking pot
Cast Iron Fire Fender and Tools
Cast iron Fountain
Cast iron lamp post
Cast Iron water heater
Cast Metal Press
Castle Family History Items
Castor Oil
Castor Oil Bottle (2)
A catch of Bream (1932).
Cathkit Life Buoy