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Title index: G
Genderometer or Sex Indicator
General Prison Regulations
General Prison regulations made the 25th day of June, 1866 by six justices of the peace in general sessions assembled at Hobart Town for the House of Correction for males situated within the police district of Hobart in accordance with the provisions of 8th Vict., No 16.
General Prison regulations made the 28th day of April 1859 by eight justices of the peace in general sessions assembled at Hobart Town for the gaols situated within the police district of Hobart in accordance with the 8th Victoria, no 16
General Purpose Fire Extinguisher
The general store at Redpa, Tasmania
General view of Smithton, Tasmania, from King Street
A general view of the Wynyard Aerodrome taken form the air in 1932.
Gentleman's Armchair
George Albury
George Best's House and Store
George Conboy's Cottage
George Dargaville Snr & Frame
George Ernest Kingston Photograph
George III Mahogany Clock
George III or Regency Period Card Table
George IV 1826 Half Penny
George Kingston's Name Tag
George Marshall Bottles
George Marshall Ceramic Mould
George Marshall Green Bottle
George Marshall Medicine Bottle
George Marshall Sea Chest
George Marshall Shipwreck Clay Pipe
George Marshall Shipwreck Items
George Marshall Shoe
George Scott of Mengha, Tasmania
George Smith Blacksmith Wynyard Tasmania c1905
George Town from Grays Hotel.
George Town Sesquicentenary Celebrations 1954 (2)
George Town Shopping Centre
George Town Swimming Pool (2)
George Town, Tasmania (32)
George Town Yacht Club (5)
George VI Union Jack Flag
Georgian Bookcase
German Block Plane
German Town Cemetery
Gertie Wise Hatbox
G.Graves (2)
G.Hayles (2)
Ghost Tour
Gibson Family History Items
Gilbert Homestead, Jeffery's Track, 1997
Gilbey Cup
Gillow Family History Items
Gilt framed portrait of little Jamie Evans
Gilt Lamp