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Moonlight photo of the beach at East Wynyard Tasmania taken in 1925.
Moore and Quiggins Sawmill Wynyard Tasmania in 1890.
Moorina (2)
Mooring Springer
More cattle crossing the Arthur River on the west coast of Tasmania
More millmen having a break at a sawmill in Circular Head, Tasmania
More of the construction work of the Duck River Co-op Butter & Bacon Factory at Smithton, Tasmania 1917
More ruins at Highfield at Stanley, Tasmania
More workers at the Duck River Co-op Butter & Bacon Factory at Smithton, Tasmania
Moriaty. Michael (convict) and daughter
Morse (2)
Morse Code Shutter Lamp
Morse Key
Morse Key and Bell
Morse Keys
Morse Signal Lamp Training Device
Motor bikes in the street parade in Smithton, Tasmania, in 1951
Motor Boat Lamp
Motor Cycle
Motor Cycle (rego 8945)
Motor Launch
Motorbikes and men on a beach
Mount Lyell Managers Reference Collection
The Mount Lyell Mining Disaster of 1912
Mount Stewart
Mountain Dragon Skeleton
Mountain Fruits
Mountain Vale Wool Clip, Roberts, Mt Direction
The Mountains of the Bible
Mountmellick work doyley
Movable Station for the accommodation of Detached Working Parties, Van Diemen's Land.
Mr & Mrs Greenhill
Mr & Mrs P J Nicol and children in a buggy and pair at Smithton, Tasmania in 1921
Mr & Mrs R W Gaby's home at Nabageena, Tasmania in 1909
Mr. Allison, Postmaster
Mr and Mrs Les W Brooks and daughters take a trip to Sunny Hills, Tasmania in 1920's
Mr Bird, Piper's River
Mr Cowen and Mr Crowe with 3 sons at Mount Mary mine at Cygnet .
Mr F B Brown the first manager of the Dewpoint Dehydration factory when it opened at Smithton, Tasmania in the 1940s
Mr. Francis Belstead
Mr Graham and his wife
Mr Jack Banner age 23.
Mr McDairmid's Shillelagh
Mr. Samuel O'Reilly ploughing at Nabageena, Tasmania in the 1920's
Mr Seafield Deuchar's water wheel at Trowutta, Tasmania and the "Henley on River" regatta in 1939
Mr W. McKinlay standing outside his store in Emmett Street, Smithton, Tasmania, 1917-1955
Mr.H.Beswick standing besides his truck loaded with flax at Wynyard Tasmania March 1940.
Mrs A M Poke and family group