Portrait of Charles Williams, a pioneer of Montagu, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Portrait of Circular Head Identity, William Wilbraham Ford
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Portrait of Circular Head Identity, Henry Flinders Ford
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Portrait of Ellen Eliza Ford wife of F W Ford of Circular Head, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Portrait of F W Ford of Circular Head, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Portrait of Albert and Maryanne Evans of Marrawah, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Portrait of Mary and Patrick Enniss of Montagu, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
William Medwin of Black River, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Bridge and a peaceful river scene 1921
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Black River Bridge after the 1929 floods
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Men standing on the Blackwood Bridge at Smithton, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Trefoil Island off the north west coast of Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Cave entrance on the eastern coastline of Hunter Island
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
1906 Painting of the Reid homestead on Robbins Island
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / paintings Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Bullocks with sled on Hunter Island
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Bullock team hauling wool bales on Robbins Island
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Shipping sheep to Three Hummock Island
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Loading calves onto a ship using a sling
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
'Jean Nichols' berthed at Hunter Island jetty in the early 1950s.
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Wharf and slipway at Cave Bay on Hunter Island
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |