Old cars and people at Rocky Cape, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
A ship loading at Austins Jetty, Stanley, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
The huge railway cutting at Rocky Cape, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Horse drawn trolley crossing Welcome River
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Wooden tramline at Salmon River, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Marrawah tramline employees 1931
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Marrawah Train in 1931
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
A huge log being hauled at Salmon River, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Arthur River Tramline
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Taking sawn timber on the wooden line in the Salmon River area of Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Smithton, Tasmania, from Marrawah tram shed
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |