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Horse drawn trolley crossing Welcome River

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      Date: 1913 -

Description: Horse drawn trolley crossing Tramway Bridge over the Welcome River at Redpa in 1913. Seven men - tents pitched on opposite bank at right. The Marrawah tramway consisted of a section of wooden rails for a horse drawn tram from East Marrawh to the Seventeen Mile where the goods was loaded onto a steam train for transport along the steel rails to Smithton, Tasmania.

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs

Horse drawn trolley crossing Welcome River

Subjects: tramwayshorsedrawn vehiclescampstimber-gettingtram tracks

People/Orgs: Marrawah TramwaysSeventeen Mile

Places: Welcome Swamp, TasmaniaWelcome River, TasmaniaEast Marrawah, Tasmania

Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre

Object number: CHH_00609

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