West Coast fishermen Mr J W 'Jack' Gale and Carl Medwin
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Fishermen preparing to fish
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
A lone hunter
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Fisherman at the Bottle Creek camp on the west coast of Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
A hunting party at Temma, Tasmania in 1929
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Hunters camp on Robbins Island, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Five men in the bush at Redpa, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Simple forest scene with a man fishing
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Travelling tinker and family in Circular Head, Tasmania, in 1905
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Happy fishermen with their catch
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Well dressed men in the bush
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Four men in the forest
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Bushmen's Band at Irishtown, Tasmania in 1905
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Scotchtown Sunday school group
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Different generations
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Group at a Rocky Cape District picnic
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Bill and Norah Holyman and others
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Pioneers of Circular Head in 1905
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Stanley Show Committee 1908
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Lady riding the horse 'Silver Tourer'
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |