Bullock team and men at a sawmill in Circular Head, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Bullock team hauling logs on the beach on the way to Stanley, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
A bullock team hauling a big log at Stanley, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Roadworkers camp on the West Coast of Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Old truck travelling along the newly formed road on the West Coast of Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Two old trucks at the construction site during the road building on the West Coast of Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Men at work on the early road building on the West Coast of Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
The newly formed Smithton - Marrawah road at Brittons Swamp, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Construction gang on the Marrawah road in Circular Head, Tasmania in the 1930s
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Men carrying a log to be used in cording the road in the Marrawah area of Circular Head, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Early road building on the Marrawah Road in Circular Head, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Men knapping stones during early road building on the Marrawah Road in Circular Head, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Forming the Marrawah - Smithton road at Brittons Swamp, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Howard tractor and rotary hoe at Alcomie, Tasmania in the 1950s
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Girl riding a horse at Mengha, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Young lads ploughing with draught horses at Mengha, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Bullock team at Balfour, Tasmania
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Home vegetable garden typical on a country farm
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Farmer clearing the land and burning stumps
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |
Old rural scene cattle drinking at water trough
[more detail] Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Images: 1 |