Click thumbnail for a larger image. | Date: 1933 -
Description: Smithton, Tasmania, football premiers of 1933 (order not known - those named were) - Cyril Enniss, Tuff Murfet, Len Murfet, Ted Blake, Harry Burlap, Athol Burgess, Charlie Morgan, Scotty Burgess, Wal Bentley, Vic Crosswell, Lyall Marshall, Harry Gardner and Roy Boatwright. Format: Pictorial and artistic works Object: photographs Titles: Smithton Football Premiers Circular Head, Tasmania in 1933 Subjects: football teams; sports People/Orgs: Enniss, Cyril; Murfet, Tuff; Murfet, Len; Blake, Ted; Burlap, Harry; Burgess, Athol; Morgan, Charlie; Burgess, Scotty; Bentley, Wal; Crosswell, Vic; Marshall, Lyall; Gardner, Harry; Boatwright, Roy; Smithton Football Team Places: Circular Head, Tasmania Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Object number: CHH_01117 Disclaimer The content of this record is provided by Circular Head Heritage Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them. |