Click thumbnail for a larger image. | Date: 1920 -
Description: Spectators and dogs watching the chopping at the Marrawah Sports. One of the biggest social events in the Marrawah district of Circular Head, Tasmania, was the annual sports which commenced at the turn of the century. At first it was held on New Years Day but from 1917 it was held on Easter Monday. The whole district would gather together for chopping, cycling, and foot races for adults and children. As transport became more available people travelled from all over the State to attend. Format: Pictorial and artistic works Object: photographs Titles: Marrawah Sports Circular Head, Tasmania in the 1920s Subjects: axemen; sports; carnivals Places: Marrawah, Tasmania Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Object number: CHH_01126 Disclaimer The content of this record is provided by Circular Head Heritage Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them. |