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South Bruny Island - Tasmania

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Pybus, Richard Cobden

Date: 1988 -

Description: A book measuring 25cm x 17.5 cm with a cream and green cover with 257 page. This book gives a brief history of the settlement of South Bruny Island with detailed description of the people, places, properties, ships, industries and events. Many photographs and maps are included. Excellent references given.

Format: Documents and books
Object: books

South Bruny Island - Tasmania

Subjects: nursing sistersdoctors (medical)local governmentcricketferriesprivate hotelswharveslighthousesnomenclaturepolicepost officesroads & streetsschools & collegesshipwrecksshopswarshomesteadsfarmschurchescommercial industry

People/Orgs: Country Women's Association

Places: Mills Reef [ Alonnah]Adventure Bay, Bruny Island, TasmaniaLunawanna, Bruny Island, TasmaniaSheepwash bayCemetery Pt.Simpsons Bay

Institution: Bruny Island Historical Society

Object number: BIH_00022

The content of this record is provided by Bruny Island Historical Society. For any questions about the content please contact them.