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Celebrations and Events

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      Date: 1918 -

Description: An A4 archival album containinig 42 black and white photos and 67 colour photos of various events that have occurred on Flinders Island since 1918. Included are the unveiling of the Emita War Memorial in 1936 by Major Davies, Anzac Day Services at the Memorial, Emita Sports Days from Little Plain to Emita Recreation Ground, trotting races at Whitemark, Lady Barron Regatta, Opening of the Furneaux Tavern in 1979, presentation to Artie Withers and Citizen of the Year to Joan Boyes, building and Opening of the new Whitemark Library 1987, Opening of the Flinders Island Multi Purpose Centre (MPC) 1995, a flash flood at Whitemark 1985, mines washed up on beaches (Blue Rocks and Badger Island), Open Day at the Multi Purpose Slaughter House at Lackrana, last use of Emita Polling Booth at Gardner residence at Emita, Tasmania Day Reception and Awards 1998, Community Market 1998, Masonic Lodge Flinders, the Federation Ball in 2001, Sand Sculpture days.This album was started by Iola Fowler and has been added to as events occur.

Format: pictorial and artistic works
Object: photo albums

Celebrations and Events

Subjects: sportslibrarieswar memorialshospitalsFreemasons

Institution: Furneaux Historical Research Association Inc.

Object number: FHR_00559

The content of this record is provided by Furneaux Historical Research Association Inc.. For any questions about the content please contact them.