Click thumbnail for a larger image. | Date: 1931 -
Description: Forest, Tasmania, football premiers 1931. From left Frank Stokes, Sam Blake, Tom House, Bill Blizzard, L (Fip) Bellinger, A (Ting) Horton, I (Chum) Hills, R (Dick) Horton, Carl Stokes, Harry House, Ron O'Connor, Lee O'Connor, R (Dick) Cotton, A (Cobber) Medwin, Jim Crawford, Stan White, Uther Waters, Reg Pearce (Captain). Format: Pictorial and artistic works Object: photographs Titles: Forest Football Team premiers Circular Head, Tasmania in 1931 Subjects: football teams; sports People/Orgs: Forest Football Club; Stokes, Frank; Blake, Sam; House, Tom; Blizzard, Bill; Bellinger, L 'Fip'; Horton, A 'Ting'; Hills, I 'Chum'; Horton, R 'Dick'; Stokes, Carl; House, Harry; O'Connor, Ron; O'Connor, Lee; Cotton, R 'Dick'; Medwin, A 'Cobber'; Crawford, Jim; White, Stan; Waters, Uther; Pearce, Reg Places: Stanley, Tasmania Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Object number: CHH_01120 Disclaimer The content of this record is provided by Circular Head Heritage Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them. |