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LINC Tasmania

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181 matches

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M'Cullochs Course of Reading in Science and Literature [more detail]
M'Culloch, J. M.
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

the Play Book of Metals [more detail]
Pepper, John Henry
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

Scotts Poetical Works [more detail]
Scott, Sir Walter
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

Works of the Puritan Divines Bunyon [more detail]
Bunyon, John
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

White's Natural History of Selbourne [more detail]
White, Rev. Gilbert
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

Heath's Picturesque Annual 1836 [more detail]
Longman & Co
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

Life of Christ [more detail]
Cassell & Co.Ltd.
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

Bradshaws Hand-Continental Railway Guide and Bradshwas Illustrated Tourists Hand Book of Great Britain [more detail]
Adams. W. J.
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

J. Gadsby's Wanderings [more detail]
Gadsby, John
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

Goldsmith's Traveller [more detail]
Goldsmith, Dr
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

Illustrated London News July-Dec 1854 [more detail]
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

Family Devotions [more detail]
Virtue, George
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

Colonial Church Atlas [more detail]
Clay, R
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

Hobart Town Gazette 1857 [more detail]
Barnard, James
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

Jacobs Dictionary [more detail]
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

Hobart Town Gazette 1872 [more detail]
Barnard, James
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

Water, Vol 8, 14, 15 [more detail]
The chicehester Press
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

Historians History of the World [more detail]
Williams, Henry Smith
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

Everybodys Medical Adviser [more detail]
Black, George; Ward, Lock & Co.
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1

The Wild World Magazine [more detail]
George Newnes
Object: Documents and books / books
Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)
Images: 1