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LINC Tasmania

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Elizabeth and David Cunningham opening up their land in Circular Head [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

The driver Claude Tedman with his bullock team [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

Mr. Samuel O'Reilly ploughing at Nabageena, Tasmania in the 1920's [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

Cecil King ploughing with a team of bullocks at Marrawah, Tasmania [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

Man ploughing with a team of six horses [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

Leslie Poke's bullock team at Lileah, Tasmania in the 1920's [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

Cecil King ploughing with his team of six bullocks at Marrawah, Tasmania [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

Five men on a threshing drum in 1905 [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

Men operating a threshing machine in Circular Head, Tasmania [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

Old style haystacks at Scotchtown, Tasmania [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

Men constructing a haystack on a farm in Circular Head, Tasmania [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

A chaff cutter at John Quinn's farm at Alcomie, Tasmania 1943-44 [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

Men working with a steam powered chaff cutter [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

Stationary chaff cutter doing seasonal work on a local farm [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

Chaff cutter working at Rocky Cape, Tasmania [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

Bernard Bryan and his children at their farm at Forest, Tasmania in 1945 [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

Harvesting maize at Marrawah, Tasmania [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

Sow and piglets in the paddock at Circular Head, Tasmania [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

Raising pigs in Circular Head, Tasmania [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1

Frederick J Odgers milking a cow at Nabageena, Tasmania [more detail]
Object: Pictorial and artistic works / photographs
Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre
Images: 1