Exhaust Temperature Gauges
[more detail] Crosley Object: realia / measuring instruments Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Belaying Pin
[more detail] Object: realia / parts of vessels (watercraft) Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Belaying Pin
[more detail] Object: realia / parts of vessels (watercraft) Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Bronze pin
[more detail] Object: realia / parts of vessels (watercraft) Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Water Thermometer
[more detail] unknown Object: realia / thermometers Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Light Switches
[more detail] unknown Object: realia / lighting Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Life Jacket
[more detail] RFD Co. Object: realia / life jackets Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Life Jacket
[more detail] Senpaku. Yo Kyumei. Kigu. Co.Op. Object: realia / life jackets Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Life Jacket
[more detail] TAFT Object: realia / life jackets Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Life Jackets
[more detail] Plastalon Object: realia / life jackets Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Life Belt
[more detail] unknown Object: realia / lifebelts Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Life Jacket
[more detail] Paul & Gray Ltd. Object: realia / life jackets Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Life Jacket
[more detail] unknown Object: realia / life jackets Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Life Jacket
[more detail] TAFT Object: realia / life jackets Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Life Vest
[more detail] unknown Object: realia / life jackets Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Life Belt
[more detail] unknown Object: realia / lifebelts Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Diver's Corslet Support
[more detail] Siebe Gorman & Co. Ltd. Object: realia / diving suits Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Life Vest
[more detail] Plastalon Object: realia / life jackets Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Life Belt
[more detail] unknown Object: realia / lifebelts Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |
Life Vest
[more detail] unknown Object: realia / life jackets Institution: George Town and District Historical Society Inc. Images: 1 |