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Tasmanian Schools. Marrawah school pupils in 1923

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      Date: 1923 -

Description: Marrawah, Tasmania, school pupils of 1923 are: Back: Owen Marshall, Ruby Bailey, Veda Cunningham, Essie Sharman, George Banks, Rachael Marshall, Verna Horton, Lil McKay, Alice Poke, Doug Quilliam, Winnie Freeman, Alfred Langmaid (teacher). 3rd Row: Ellie Cunningham, Irene Freeman, Bill Gale, Ernie Gale, Martha Streets, Les Sharman, Frank Nicholls, Molly Cox, Reg Cox, Ada Cox. 2nd Row: Biddy Wells, Lorna Button, Gordon Sharman, Merv Sharman, Mick Wigg, Harold Marshall, Ella Freeman, Clive Horton, Minnie Banks, Myrtle Cox, Bonny Freeman, Eileen Quilliam. Front: Babe Horton, Tommy & Harry Cunningham, Ivy & Ina Cunningham, Bob Wigg, Elsie Horton, Susie Gale, Vera Poke, Dolly McKay.

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs

Tasmanian Schools. Marrawah school pupils in 1923

Subjects: schools & collegesschoolchildren

People/Orgs: Marrawah SchoolMarshall, OwenBailey, RubyCunningham, VedaSharman, EssieBanks, GeorgeMarshall, RachaelHorton, VernaMcKay, LilPoke, AliceQuilliam, DougFreeman, WinnieLangmaid, AlfredCunningham, EllieFreeman, IreneGale, BillGale, ErnieStreets, MarthaSharman, LesNicholls, FrankCox, MollyCox, RegCox, AdaWells, BiddyButton, LornaSharman, GordonSharman, MervWigg, MickMarshall, HaroldFreeman, EllaHorton, CliveBanks, MinnieCox, MyrtleFreeman, BonnyQuilliam, EileenHorton, BabeCunningham, HarryCunningham, TommyCunningham, IvyCunningham, InaWigg, BobHorton, ElsieGale, SusiePoke, VeraMcKay, Dolly

Places: Marrawah, Tasmania

Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre

Object number: CHH_01024

The content of this record is provided by Circular Head Heritage Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them.