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Industry: Photographs of Early Industries of the Swansea Glamorgan Municipality

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Glamorgan-Spring Bay Historical Society

Date: 1996 -

Description: 12 plastic pockets containing 24 pages of photographs of orchards, engineering, wattlebark, quarries, mining. Bill Arnol Hydroplane, Swansea Bark Mill, Tasmanian Stone Display, Melbourne Exhibition 1880, Orford, Okehampton and Spring Beach Quarries, Charcoal Works at Rheban, Remains of Eucalyptus factory at "Woodstock", Seymour Mine.

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photo albums

Industry: Photographs of Early Industries of the Swansea Glamorgan Municipality

Subjects: commercial industryorchardstimber industrymining industry

People/Orgs: Swansea Bark Mill

Places: East Coast, Tasmania

Institution: Glamorgan-Spring Bay Historical Society

Object number: GSB_00031

The content of this record is provided by Glamorgan-Spring Bay Historical Society. For any questions about the content please contact them.