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Book Launching 'The Furneaux Group'

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Fowler, Richard Murray
Cumpston, John
Poynter, Jim

Date: 1980 -

Description: An archival album containing 19 black & white and colour prints recording the launching of the book "The Furneaux Group" Vol 1 by Richard Fowler and edited by Dr. John Cumpston. The book was launched by the Flinders Warden Councillor Edwin T Blyth on 6 April 1980 at the Furneaux Museum. Richard Fowler died before completion of the manuscript and Vol 2 has never been written. Vol 1 covers the history of the Furneaux Group up to early 1800's

Format: pictorial and artistic works
Object: photo albums

Book Launching 'The Furneaux Group'

Subjects: history

People/Orgs: Fowler, Richard MurrayCumpston, JohnBlyth, Edwin, T

Places: Furneaux Group, Tasmania

Institution: Furneaux Historical Research Association Inc.

Object number: FHR_00118

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