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Centenary Celebrations: Photographs of Historical Events in the Glamorgan Spring Bay Municipality

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Glamorgan-Spring Bay Historical Society

Date: 1996 -

Description: 38 pages of plastic pockets containing photographs of Centenary Celebrations, Sesquicentenary of the settlement of Swansea 1979, Bicentennial Show 1988, Glamorgan Council, Spring Bay Council 1886, Glamorgan Police (Bernard Shaw Commissioner of Police) inspecting Police, Swansea celebration banners 2001, France to Freycinet Festival Swansea 2002.

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photo albums

Centenary Celebrations: Photographs of Historical Events in the Glamorgan Spring Bay Municipality

Subjects: festivals, celebrations etc.

Places: Swansea, TasmaniaSpring Bay, Tasmania

Institution: Glamorgan-Spring Bay Historical Society

Object number: GSB_00026

The content of this record is provided by Glamorgan-Spring Bay Historical Society. For any questions about the content please contact them.